Simple Metabolism Boosting

Simple Metabolism-Boosting Secrets For Staying Lean

“How do I increase my metabolism?” is a question which puzzles a lot of people looking to lose weight and gain muscles.

They want to understand all about metabolism boosters, as well as metabolism-boosting diets.

Can you increase your metabolism rate?  Does it decrease as you age?

Is this lower metabolism a thing you’ll have to learn to live with? Is it age related or not?

The bad news is that your metabolism rate does fade as you age. The good news is that it’s a thing you can counteract.

Beginning around from age 25 to 30, most people lose 5 to 10 pounds of lean muscle mass every decade.  And lean muscle mass is more metabolically active.

So all you need to do to boost your metabolism or keep it from slowing down is to focus on an exercise program that keeps the lean muscle mass you have or adds some pounds of it to prevent your metabolism from a fade out.

4 Key Elements of Metabolism.

1. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

RMR makes up most of your daily calorie expenditure and includes everything your body needs to do to persist as a living being, such as brain activity, bones, and tissue recovering and anything else.

2. Thermogenesis - merely the calorie burning from the act of eating.

You burn calories when you bite, swallow and digest the food.

3. Genetic Thermogenesis - the calories you burn predefined by your genetics.

4.  Physical Activity - these are the calories you burn from physical activity via workout or exercise such as walking, running, playing sport, resistance training, etc.

If you want to raise your metabolism rate, you need to concentrate on these aspects.

#1 Adding Lean Muscle Mass

You can increase RMR by adding lean muscle mass.
boost metabolism - adding muscles

Six to ten pounds of added muscle will not substantially increase RMR, but every little bit helps.

Also, if you add some muscle mass, as opposed to losing that much each decade, the contrast will be quite significant over time.

#2 Post-Workout Metabolic Increase

A post-workout metabolic increase is a substantial boost due to weight training, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
boost metabolism post exercise effect

After an intense resistance bands or weight training session (or high-intensity interval training), your metabolism will stay high for up to 36 hrs AFTER the exercise session!

There is a lot of discussion on just how significant the metabolic increase is when it comes to post-training calorie burning but most studies agree on the very fact, and that's quintessential.

With an intense exercise session, you also burn calories throughout the workout.

#3 Protein Intake

Another method to raise your metabolism is by increasing your protein consumption.
boost metabolism protein intake

An organism needs more energy (i.e., calories) to process protein than it does for carbs.

#4 Physical Activity

Your lifestyle will define how much exercise you need for the metabolism boost which is necessary to start burning fat.
boost metabolism physical activity

If you sit at a desk all day long, it's evident that you’re going to need more physical activity than someone who does heavy labor all day.

Metabolism Boost Exercise Sample Program

Monday - HIIT

Tuesday - Weight Lifting Session

Wednesday - Active recovery cardio training*

Thursday - Weight Lifting Session

Friday - HIIT

Saturday - Weight Lifting Session

Sunday - Rest

* Active recovery cardio is low-intensity longer span cardio that you notice most folks do in the gym.

You can just take a long walk instead. This type of training should continue for 3/4 - 1 hour.

Combining all the above will combat a slowing metabolism from each different side.

You’ll not only get under control your metabolism as you get older but you’ll increase it, leading to greater fat loss, more muscle and a healthier, stronger, better version of you.